The term TMJ involves pain and muscle mastication dysfunction (muscular moving the mandible), and temporomandibular joints (joints linking the mandible with the skull). (TMJ) is the term ‘ emerging dysfunction.’ The most important characteristic is pain and minimal jaw movements, accompanied by noises from the time-specific joint (TMJ) during jaw movement. While TMJ may not endanger life, it can adversely affect the quality of life because the symptoms can become chronic and difficult to manage. The term temporomandibular disorder refers to any condition involving the temporomandibular joint and is translated as temporomandibular joint dysfunction (in this sense, it is also abbreviated for TMJ). There is, however, no single term or interpretation of this subject which is universally agreed.
TMJ is not a single disorder but rather a complex symptom, and several factors are assumed to be the cause. Such variables are, however, not well known and their relative importance is disagreeable. There are many treatments available, but general evidence for TMJ treatment does not exist and the treatment plan is not widely accepted. Occlusal splines, psychosocial therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy, physical therapy and pain medications and others are standard treatments. Most sources agree that TMJ should not be irreversibly treated. Somewhat impact about 20% to 30% of the adult population. Many people believe that TMJ, together with burning mouth syndrome, atypical facial pain, and atypical odontalgia, is one of the 4 main complexes of chronic orofacial pain. TMJ was considered to be a type of rheumatological or musculoskeletal disorder. A functional pain syndrome was also named and a psychogenic condition was classified. Others see TMJ as a “middle tolerance disorder” for evidence that a central pain sensitivity may result in TMJ.
TMJ may develop following physical trauma, particularly whiplash injury, though the evidence is not conclusive. This type of TMJ is sometimes known as the “posttraumatic TMJ” to distinguish between TMJ and unknown cause or sometimes referred to as the “idio-opathic TMJ” sometimes the muscle-related (myogenous) TMJ (also called myogenous TMJ or TMJ, secondary to myofascial pain and dysfunction). There can be variations in between acute TMJ, with less than 3 months of symptom, and chronic TMJ, with more than 3 months of symptoms. There is little information about acute TMJ since these people typically do not receive secondary care (hospital).
The TMJ is a complex disorder, which is thought to be triggered by several poorly-understood causes but the precise etiology is not established, i.e. a set of symptoms occurring together that are characteristic of a particular disease. The TMJ (genetic, hormonal, anatomical), its causes (trauma, occlusal changes, para-function) and also its extensive effects (stress and again para-function). There are some factors that seem to predispose. Two theories, namely a psychosocial model and a hypothesis on occlusal disharmony, control research into the causes of TMJ. TMJ can be difficult to manage, and as the disease transcends the boundaries of various medical fields–dentistry and neurology in particular, care can often require many different approaches and can be cross-disciplinary. Most of those involved with TMJ’s care and study now accept that any rehabilitation performed should not affect the jaw or teeth permanently and should be reversible. Over – the-counter and prescription pain medications may be used in order to prevent permanent change.