What Are Implant Retain Dentures and Why Should I Get Them?
You have lost some of your teeth and your dentist advises you that the dentures should be considered. Your heart sinks when you think of the false teeth, the gooey adhesives, the washing by night. Traditional dentures, you think, are your only choice.
Did you know there are different kinds of dentures?
Yes, those traditional dentures are still around, but have you heard about implant retain dentures?
Implant Retain Dentures
Since the invention of those conventional dentures, denture technology has come a long way. Implants now hold dentures. Such dentures are called several different names including dentures that are supported by implants and all-on-four dentures. Dental implants attach those dentures to the mouth.
Such dentures, as you probably guessed, provide a much more secure fit, and are more comfortable to wear. These dentures are recommended for patients who lack a lot of teeth but have enough bone mass to accommodate the implants. If one’s jawbone is too low for implants it is advised to use traditional dentures.
Implant dentures are usually placed on the lower jaw only, as they are the lower dentures of conventional dentures which are less stable than those on the upper jaw. While most dental patients have bottom jaw implant dentures and conventional upper jaw dentures, implant dentures may be added to both the upper and lower jaws. This is the case of all-on-four dentures, in which four dental implants (two on the upper jaw and two on the lower jaw) are used to support the upper and lower jaw dentures.
How Do Implant Retained Dentures Work?
Dental implants are screws inserted into the jaw made from metal (usually titanium). Patients with crowns or bridges often get tooth-like crown implants on top of the implants. At the base of the denture, there are fittings on top of them for implant retained dentures which connect with the correct fittings. There are two types of dentures retained by implants, each with a different way of securing the dentures to the implants: ball-retained dentures and bar-retained dentures. Ball-retained dentures supported by the implant include a ball and socket configuration, whereby the ball portion of the dentures snap into the implant hole.
Dentures supported by bar-retained implants have a narrow bar which line the inside of the jaw and are attached to the implants. The denture is fastened to the bar through clips and goes over the bar. Although dentures assisted by implants are more stable and need not be taken out to eat certain foods, they still need to be removed at night and washed.
Traditional Dentures
A few dental patients also prefer the traditional dentures. Such dentures blend in with the gums and are less secure than implant-maintained dentures. Such dentures can be loosened, and quickly come out. Often, their bad fit makes them harder to wear than dentures which are held in implants.
Despite the fact that traditional dentures are less costly, they provide less protection, comfort and safety and seem to need to replace more often than implant-maintained dentures.
All traditional and implant-retained dentures must be removed and washed out each night. No matter what type of denture you use, your gums also need to be cleaned every day.
Are You Looking for Implant Retained Dentures?
With over 30 years of professional experience helping patients renew and beautifying their smiles, Balfour Dental continues to be the preferred dental office for families in Brentwood California and the surrounding communities of Antioch, Oakley, Discovery Bay and beyond. Our dental office is locally owned and operated by Dr. Dimple Rayani and Dr. Sien Siao, two professionals with vast experience in Implant Retained Denture treatments as well as in general dentistry. Dr. Rayani and Dr. Siao both have many different certifications, including Invisalign Certification, Implant Dentistry, Sleep Apnea Treatment, Cerec CAD-CAM Restorations, Neuromuscular Dentistry, and Implants respectively. If you are looking to renew your smile, contact Balfour Dental today!